How to become a productivity master…with Polly
I was happy and honored to be invited by Elen to talk about my passion - the topic of productivity
Recently, I was doing training for our Webdesh team and since Elen is a close friend, she asked me to share my best practices and tips with her. I decided to go ahead and share the whole training with her and she thought it would be a great idea to share this with the world as well.
Elen writes about art, her entrepreneurial life and experiences and all kinds of different and interesting topics and I am happy my productivity tips are living now in her colorful blog (which not also has the best name EVER “Stubborn Penguins Can Fly“, but also, btw, we at Webdesh helped her built hehe).
I hope you find this article helpful and if you want me to do a personal training/consultation or to request a webinar on the topic, drop me a line here.
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Polly Desheva
/ mathematics, informatics, spreadsheets, travel, eco, startups, design, handmade stuff and food lover
/ feminist, doer, freelancer, wanna-be-designer and activist ✌
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