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The Design Process of Our New Blog

After sketching down my ideas, it was time to present the design in a way the team of web designers at web/desh could execute them...

If you are reading this, you are already experiencing the web design of our newly found blog. Design – a concept most people overlook or underestimate in their everyday life. But how does one actually create and execute a design concept? How are colors, shapes, order, and elements of design chosen? In our case, why did we make our blog with exactly this design? All of these choices are in the hands of the web designer and his team. But who actually designed this blog?

I am here to answer all of these questions. Our team worked on creating the visuals of the blog, but I created the concept for the whole look of the page. Keeping in mind what the Webdesh website design already looks like, I came up with a blog idea that suits it. With the blog, you will be able to get to know our team better and to learn something from us. As Carl Jung said,

"Everyone you meet knows something you don't, but you need to. Learn from them.”

We are here to show you some of the things we know, but for now, I will start with explaining how I came up with the idea for the blog design.

I’m Ivet, a twelfth-grade student. I love drawing and creating and maybe that’s why when I was given the opportunity to sketch out ideas for our blog, I immediately agreed. I was extremely excited to learn about what a web page should look like and what programs I could use to portray my ideas. I am not gonna lie, it was not easy, but with desire and time, everything is possible.

Exploring the branding of Webdesh

Initially, I explored in detail our company’s stunning website. I looked at how the header and footer look, what type of font is used, how they are arranged. Considering the already existing elements, such as parallel sloping lines at the beginning and end of each page and the emblematic small letters used, I started sketching ideas. I knew I had to create something simple, but at the same time – beautiful. I started with an attractive title, under which are the categories where various posts would be. They are easy to find and simple in appearance, while their font color is the typical one of the website. It was time for perhaps the most important part of the page – the layout and format of the blog posts themselves. I figured they would look best in a simple rectangular shape, which creates the shape of a net when more posts are available.

Designing our blog

After sketching down my ideas, it was time to present the design in a way the team of web designers at web/desh could execute them, since I cannot code with HTML. I researched and found the program Sketch. It is a platform that helps you present your web design ideas by using different elements and shapes. I was finally going to make my work look like an actual website, but it turned out that Sketch is only for Mac users. Fortunately, I found a Windows substitution – Lunacy. It even turned out to be free, which was great. Learning how to work with the program wasn’t easy, but I managed to understand how it works. It took me some time, but I made my first visual of a web page design to present to my team.

As you can imagine, I was extremely nervous to show it to the others. I didn’t have as much experience in web design as them, but I still knew that my creativity and most importantly – my enthusiasm would show in this project. There were some obstacles in sending the actual file, but I did it and all that was left for my part was to wait.

I was thrilled to find out that they loved it! It was a great feeling to know that what you made excited others. This is one of the best feelings – seeing how your work affects others. We sent the design to the WordPress and tech team and waited a few weeks (focus on clients always come as a priority to us, so this is why it took some time) to see it become real. The reveal was very exciting as my design had never been live on a webpage. Everyone worked together to finish it, and it turned out incredible.


What I learned from this experience is to work hard to build up on your skills. Even though I am still a high school student, my internship family gave me the opportunity to present ideas for a blog design, probably not expecting much from it. But in the end they loved it, so the team worked on it, and it is finally live.

Believe in your strengths no matter what because even though there may be some obstacles, the results are thrilling. I hope you like the new Webdesh blog as much as we do. Enjoy our future posts and until next time!

Who wrote this article

Learn more about the author

Ivet Yaneva

Design enthusiast

/ inspired by travelling, music, sunsets, and sunrises
/ a student passionate about design, art, architecture
/ loves meeting and talking to new people


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